On Saturday, we had a group from the hospital go to a village to install a solar powered ultrasound unit and to visit with the medical staff of the clinic. Pastor Moisse went along also to encourage the new pastor of the CMA church there in that village. The trip took about an hour and a half to get there from Koutiala. Once we got there, we got the tour of the clinic. I wish I would have taken more pictures of the clinic. This is the only picture of us with the staff. It is amazing what the "head nurse" ( in the red ball cap) does in this clinic. He is basically a doctor. He performs minor surgery, dentistry, OB, pediatrics, and probably veterinarian service also. People come from all around to receive medical treatment of all sorts. The surgery table is made out of tube steel and all the lighting in the clinic is 12 volt dc battery lights. Keep the staff of this clinic in your prayers. All the staff is Malian missionaries. It is so cool to see the native missionaries with such a passion for their own people. Christ's love is freely given in conjuction with the physical help offered. Next weekend we travel 4 hours away to an other village clinic to install the same thing. Please keep Angela and the boys in your prayers also as I will be going over night on this trip. God Bless. Oh by the way, I decided to put a picture of what it looks like here in hot and dry season. This is a picture of Dan during a trip to the cliffs with our wives on the motorcycles. That was a fun little trip.
Thanks for all your prayers.
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