Monday 14 September 2009


We continue to get kids into the hospital with malaria and dying. It is so sad that SO many kids die here from malaria. I wish we could get DDT fogged over the entire city to kill all the mosquitoes during this season. Keep praying for the staff as they are working overtime combating all the malaria cases.
We have a lady at the church that was taken to the police this week because her neighbor said that he feels restless and can't sleep when she prays in her house next to his. Can you say a spiritual war is going on here? Fortunately, the police said that they can't keep her from praying because the muslims pray over the loud speaker every hour during the day starting at 4:00 am and that is permitted. Now the neighbor said he will take the situation into his own hands. Please pray for her and her safety. Also pray for her neighbor that he would come to know the real God.
Have a good week and thanks for all your support.

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