Last week I walked up to the shop area to get a tool and saw a 3 ft.x 3ft. piece of metal with hundreds of large winged termites on it. Alex, my Malian apprentice, was standing there picking the wings off of them. I asked him what they were and where did they come from. He said they were termites and they came from our shop office. That was comforting. I then asked him what he was doing. He said they will soon die and the guys were going to eat them. He looked and acted so excited, I thought he was going to pee himself. He said "All I need now is some salt." I thought, All I need now is a trash can. I really wish I would have thought about taking a picture of the termites, but I didn't. They ate every last one of them. I take that back. Alex did throw one out because it was "bad".
We received a Samaritan's Purse container on Friday with a lot of medical supplies for our hospital. I believe there were over 950 boxes of things in it. We even got our first working X-ray machine. I just hope we don't need to use it on our boys! This will come in handy in a lot of ways. The only other X-ray machine in town is at the government hospital and it only works part time. Seems that when we need it, it is broke down. Samaritan's Purse gave us the 40 ft. container as well. We will use it as storage for the excess medical things that we are not using right now. We have to have duplicates of alot of equipment because if something breaks down, we can't get the new parts to repair it in a timely manor. It could take months to get parts. Bob said he was going to start making a "container village" and start housing people in them. Look out new missionaries. I think he was joking. A container sitting in full African sunlight get to be like and oven inside, but we do cut windows and door in them and use them as offices, workshops, and the like. Our "termite office" is a container. It does work well if we get breezes to cool it off inside into the 130's or even 120's with a good breeze (during hot season). The pictures are of the container being set on its foundation blocks with the cotton factory's crane. The good working one in town.
We I hope you all have a great week and don't eat to many termites. They might give you a belly ache.
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