Well, the Southgate Church team has been here and gone with tons a work accomplished. God, in his infinite wisdom, allowed the pipes to start leaking in the original OR (operating room) just a couple of days before the Southgate team got here, so our plans for the team got changed. Since we had a couple of plumbers on the team, we decided that we would take the time necessary to repipe the entire half of the building. This was not the first time that the original piping sprung a leak. The Joe Faust and Jim Yowler did the repipe in just one week. Now we have plumbing in that building that will last a long time since we install pex piping from the States instead of the "made in China" stuff that we get here in Koutiala. After that project, Joe and Jim installed plumbing in the second building. Jon Johnson and Rick Chamento installed four A/C's in just a few days and then Rick helped Anco with the fiber optic network in the first building. The remainder of the crew, Matt, Dan, Brent, and Chris, worked on installing tile in the second building and taught a couple of Malians, Agib and Joseph, how to tile. Now that the team is gone, Agib and Joseph have installed wall tile on three of the bathrooms in the second building. The Southgate team was a huge help to us here and a great encouragement. It was fun having friends from our home church in the state help us here at the hospital.
The footers and columns are going up in the third building now. It is exciting to watch all the Malian guys accomplish all that they do each week. It is moving rapidly. They really enjoy working in the shade of the roof for the third building since we started with the roof structure. We are now officially in hot season and I am sweating buckets just typing this post. The Malians do a lot better at handling the heat than I do!
It is only one month until we come back to the States for three months. Please pray that we will get accomplished what God wants before we leave. We are looking forward to coming home and spending some time with our family and friends. We love you all.
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