Our days our winding down here in Koutiala. We are leaving for the States the beginning of May for 3 months. We will be spending time in Berne and Springfield for the most part. Some of our time will be trying to raise the remainder of our support for the next two years. We need about $25,000 to finish our first 4 years. Please pray with us for this money.
We opened the first building of the Three building complex this month. This is a picture of the first day opened this wing of the hospital. For the most part, it was a smooth transition from the other Pediatric building. We also opened up for Pediatrics now that the Women's building are now open. Things are moving at break neck speed for here in Africa.
At Bethel, We are trying to convert some of the old buildings that are not used into chicken houses for egg production (this is the second picture). We are hoping to teach some of the pastors and national missionaries to raise chicken for eggs in a larger style of operation so they can eat good, clean, and nutritious eggs. The diet of most of the people here is terrible. They do not get the protein and minerals that they need for good health and eggs would help in this area. It would also allow them to sell these egg for a profit to help give them income to live and survive as a pastor or missionary. Pray with us that we would be able to teach and build what can be used and reproduced here in Mali.
Thanks to everyone that is supporting us in prayer and also financially. We couldn't be out here without you.