We have walls going up now on the second building. We are well under way getting the second building up. The underground plumbing is finished and the floors are poured. It is amazing on how fast the walls are being built. They will be ready to pour the concrete bond beam next week and we will have to start manufacturing trusses to go up. Busy Busy.
Sunday, the kids and dads went out on a little motorcycle ride to teach some of the kids that didn't know how to ride, ride. We had fun. Everyone took their turn on Braafhart's Yamaha 90. It was fun to watch them ride. It wasn't long before a crowd gathered to watch. We had a lot of shepherd boys that were moving their sheep, goats, and cattle through, stop and watch. We enjoyed our time and fun was had by all.
On a serious note. I was talking to one of our construction workers that hasn't been to work for about a month and he told me that his son died of malaria about a month ago. Then he told me that he has lost 3 children now and only has one still living. I can't imagine facing rainy season, which is malaria season, every year and wondering if one of my loved ones is going to die this year. Life is difficult especially here for the Malians without protection from the mosquitoes. As Americans, we would be outraged and horrified if any one disease killed as many Americans as malaria does here in Africa EVERY year. Just pray for them. Life is hard. My heart is heavy right now for Michel and his family. Thanks for listening.
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