Its been a long time between posts. There is a lot going on at the hospital and clinics right now. Yesterday, I was able to go with Daniel, our Director of Rural Clinics, to our Baramba clinic to install the frames for mosquito net since the rainy season is soon arriving. I took my head welder, Aubree', with us also. He is such a good welder that I think he could weld tin foil. We set up our "shop" under the mango tree for shade and went to town welding and grinding. It is mango season and Aubree' got hit on the back by one of these mangoes while he was welding and it about put him down. We even put Daniel to work with the grinder. Since this village doesn't have electric, we had to pull our big Lincoln welder down the well worn dirt road with what I would think would be about 1,000 pot holes. It was slow going but we made it there without hitting any donkeys, people, goats, sheep, or anything that was living. Praise God.
We are very thankful for our clinics. We have seven and they are placed throughout the country side within 200 kms of Koutiala. We have a new one that just got built and now I need to go out and start on the plumbing and maybe some solar electric power if the funds are available. So much more work than time is available for doing all this. Pray for wisdom for and discernment for what God wants and not just what we want to get done. The gospel is going forth with the love of our clinics in all these rural areas. Praise God.