We have been in the states now for one month and we are running around from place to place like a rodeo clown being chased by the bull. It has been great getting back together with family and friends. The boys have enjoyed being with the grandparents and friends and also doing the things they use to enjoy when we lived in Springfield. On our agenda for the rest of the time here is taking the family vacations, speaking in churches, and trying to catch up on the needed rest. Thanks for all your prayers and support.
The construction at the hospital is still moving at break neck speed with teams coming and going with getting tons done according to Robert Braafhart. They have gotten the first floor poured and the walls are going up on the third building. We have a great picture of the hospital complex that was taken by Dan Nesselroade from a TV tower next to the hospital . This will give you a little idea of the size of the campus.
Keep praying as we raise the rest of our support and get things ready for our next two years. We have a lot on our plate to look forward to when get back to Koutiala. Pray that we can stay focused on the tasks at hand and that we are able to keep getting the gospel out to the lost. Thanks again for all your prayers and support. We couldn't do it without all of you.